"I don't know what to do", "I'm bored", "I don't know what to install", all these problems have a solution: this application!
If you are used to being bored, the "I Don't Know What To Do" app is for you. It allows you to find something to take care of in all circumstances according to your favorite themes, all easily, quickly and FREE!
The principle is simple: start by selecting the themes that you like and then "I Don't Know What To Do" takes care of the rest. An ORIGINAL idea for a thing to do is proposed along with a description extolling the merits of this activity. Each proposed occupation is illustrated with a VIDEO related to the idea in order to give a more detailed overview of the activity and to make people want to do it.
Each idea of something to do when you are bored proposed by the application is original and created with the aim of being accessible to as many people as possible. These are often activities without equipment, which will appeal to both children and adults!
- You can change your favorite themes at any time.
- You can also SUBMIT your own ideas to be added to the app in future updates!
I Don't Know What to Do, an anti-boredom remedy for young and old!
Mathieu TROULLIER - 2020